Well, yesterday the intrepid explorers headed to the Singapore Botanical  Gardens…more specifically to the National Orchid Garden…OMG!! Aaaaamazing….beautiful…massive….sweaty!! The humidity….my shirt was a little damp…people walking around in suits….enough said.

Gardens by the bay….WOWSEROONIE…two massive indoor domes kept at 23 degrees (v little humidity)…twas lovely. The first flower garden…very hard to describe…but I’ll try….20160630_16321420160630_16412420160630_16484720160630_170817_00120160630_170544

We then headed to Cloud Forrest…..Ooouuuuwwwwgggghhh…..walking in to this….


An 8 storey waterfall coming out of a mountain with beautiful greenery everywhere..and only opened a few years ago!20160630_171506

That is a walkway….

20160630_17240920160630_17252720160630_171644amazing artworks….


And a lego garden for the buffs…20160630_171905

We then …if this wasn’t enough… saw the SSSSSUUUUPPPPEEEERRR trees, with a jaw dropping grandma undies waving light show…these trees are the vents for the colling system for the two big domes. .v impressive..with a tree walk between a few of them……WWOOOAAAHHH….



About 50mtr high covered in beautiful green foliage… then a god..( any one you like said) let there be light…and music…and dancing..and smiles…





Them the same god said..ye shall sleepeth. So we did.

3 thoughts on “”

    1. There were cyclamen!!! In the Flower Dome there were special gardens for different areas of the world – they nailed the Aussie one, and currently there is a huge lily display with cyclamen just around the corner….

  1. Your pictures look aaaaaaaammmmaaaazzzzziiinnnggg!!!!!!!!! (Mary) We wish we could be there with you. (Alina) It looks pretty hot. (Gracie) I’m glad you got to see the special gardens but we were wondering about the grandma undies waving!!!!!! ( Me, Mrs. S.) We love reading your blog so keep it coming. Have fun đŸ™‚

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